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    SARA S.R.L.

    Via Torino 107/b


    +39 011 5530200

    The twin screw extruders manufactured by SARAsrl present many advantages in comparison with other extrusion systems, i.e. single screw or counter-rotating twin screw extruders,owing to their special construction features. Definitely, due to the geometry of its screws, a corotating twin screw extruder can give the best mix of fed ingredients with a low energy consumption. Moreover: the screws can be fed by an independent mechanism so that the screws speed setting does not affect output shear rate is very low positive conveying of the melt eliminates surging and helps better dimensional control of the extrudate mixing is also positive and accomplished without overheating the material better dispersion and homogenizing self-cleaning is fast and complete and accomplished without overheating the material lower HP required per rated output, resulting in less stress on the machine energy saving, as the actual energy consumption is very close to the theoretical value needed. For these characteristics, the twin screw extruders show to be the best system of mixing materials of various nature where an excellent mixing is a must, but preventing the components from a too high mechanical stress, thus keeping , in general , a low temperature inside the extruder cylinder; this avoid modification or degradation of polymers and additives which will certainly jeopardize the quality of the end product.

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